Equity Creation

I create extraordinary returns for private equity and other owners of companies. I have helped build and sell companies three times since 2008, generating IRR of more than 40%, 50% and 55% for the equity owners by increasing both the EBITDA and sale multiple.

At the start of the equity creation process, I find, analyze, negotiate with, and integrate mergers and acquisitions. Then, using my performance improvement and Six Sigma skills, I cut costs and improve efficiency, thereby increasing EBITDA. I also build detailed, precise, yet easy to use sales quotation models that are instrumental in growing the top line, thereby further increasing EBITDA and also the sale multiple.

At the end of the process in the sale stage, I help build Confidential Information Memorandums (CIMs), perform analyses, respond to request for information and analysis, and am involved in the management presentations to potential buyers and help the equity owner maximize value in the marketplace.